In this section you can find all information on how to enroll in the Fund, requirements and benefits.

    Who can apply for membership

    You can enroll if one of the following job contract apply to your work relations:

    dirigenti aziende produttrici di beni e servizi CONFINDUSTRIA – FEDERMANAGER
    dirigenti delle imprese dei servizi di pubblica utilità CISPEL – FEDERMANAGER
    dirigenti ANAS S.p.a. ANAS – FEDERMANAGER
    dirigenti ENAV S.p.a. ENAV – FEDERMANAGER
     dirigenti dei Consorzi Agrari  ASS. NAZ. DEI CONSORZI AGRARI –
    dirigenza Ente Nazionale Risi ENTE NAZIONALE RISI – FEDERMANAGER
     dirigenti dei Consorzi ed Enti di Sviluppo Industriale  F.I.C.E.I. – FEDERMANAGER

    Why Previndai

    Additional pension benefits

    In the first place, through your occupational pension fund, you can build your own supplementary pension and add it to state retirement pension.

    The company contribution

    You can choose to apply and pay the contribution with the TFR only, or add to that the minimum contribution provided for by contract; in this case the company has to pay its part of contribution; the company can also pay additional contribution for their employees without any maximum limit.

    Favorable tax treatment (italy tax residence required)

    If your tax residence country is in Italy, contribution (except for TFR) paid to supplementary pension funds is a deductible charge within the limit of Euros 5.164,57. With form 059 (available on your personal area), every year you can inform us on the amount of contribution exceeding said limit and therefore not deductible, such sums will not be taxed when asking for an allowance.


    Previndai, through its multi portfolio structure, offers the highest levels of flexibility when investing: you will be able to build your pension savings account according to your time horizon, risk attitudes, allocating on different portfolios the capital accrued or the new contribution only.

    Dependent family members

    If you become a member, also your dependent family members can apply for membership and start to build their own supplementary pension savings, with all the benefits provided, especially for the young generations.

    How to apply

    Membership to Previndai according to the Italian law is on a voluntary basis and it has to be requested through the employing company. In order to apply you have to inform the company that prior to your application shall make available for you all the following informative documents, which will help make a better choice. (All documents are in Italian)

    • “Key information to the applicant” – Section I of the Information document

      The document aims at summarize all key information on the Fund, especially the data concerning the management and investment of capital, the performances and the costs.

    • ``Information on Sustainability``

      The document contains information on the sustainability and the possible negative effects on the investment policy of the Fund.

    • “Cost statement sheet” of your current Italian pension scheme (if applicable)

      If you are a member of another Italian pension scheme, at this link you can find the costs sheets of all pension funds registered at Covip and compare costs with those of Previndai.

    • “Application form”

      If you need to apply for membership you shall fill in this form and give it to your employer, therefore they will have all necessary information to proceed with your registration in their personal area.

    • “Privacy policy”

    Are you already a member of Previndai and you are moving to another company?

    According to the current law provision and the By-laws of the Fund, you do not have to apply again; the conditions of your prior application remain in force, unless you decide to pay contribution to another fund.
    Just inform your employer that you are already a member of Previndai and they will pay their contribution, according to the choices you made.

    Personal data update

    Members in their personal area can update some personal data:

    • street adress;
    • e-mail address;
    • email pec;
    • telephone/fax numbers.

    Please, note that you have to access with your Previndai access code and password.