Under specific conditions, a member can benefit from the following allowances:

    • advance of capital;
    • redemption of capital (of all capital or part of it);
    • a Prepaid Temporary Insurance Annuity (Rendita Integrativa Temporanea Anticipata – RITA) of all capital or part of it;
    • pension.

    For all types of allowances, the Fund must receive a  specific request.

    Advance of capital

    Art. 11, par.7 of Italian Legislative Decree 252/05 provides that the member may request an advance of their capital for different reasons and percentages. This type of allowance can be requested after 8 years of membership into supplementary pension schemes, except for the advance of capital for medical expense that can be requested at any time.

    The total amount for advances of capital can never exceed the 75% of the capital accrued in Previndai, and members can choose to repay the advanced capital at any time.

    Membership Requirements

    Type of advance

    Max. %

    At any time Medical expenses following to very serious health conditions for members, their spouses, and children (Therapies and surgeries approved by the relevant public authorities). 75% of the capital accrued
    After 8 years of membership Purchase or renovation of first home of members or their children 75% of the capital accrued
    After 8 years of membership No specific reason required 30% of the capital accrued


    The relevant forms to apply for an advance of capital are available at the page Forms and Documents” (Modulistica e Documenti), category Anticipazione.
    We regret to inform you that documents are in Italian only.

    Redemption of capital

    When the conditions required for membership are not fulfilled anymore, the By-laws of the Fund and the Regulating Document for redemption of capital provides for the procedure to request a redemption of capital (or just a part of it) according to the provision of art. 14 of Italian Legislative Decree 252/2005.

    The current types of redemptions of capital are:

    • In case of unemployment for a period of at least 12 months but not longer than 48 months. This requirement must be confirmed by a certificate of enrollment to the Centro Provinciale per l’Impiego (working status) with all information on the date of enrollment to the unemployment lists and the persisting status;
    • in case the employer resorts to procedures for collective dismissal of workers or lay off schemes such as the Italian cassa integrazione guadagni or retirement incentives as the so-called “esodo incentivato”; In this case, additional documents will be required.
    • In case of job termination without any further membership to another occupational supplementary pension fund so-called “riscatto statutario”. This type of request can be submitted only by managers and not by dependent family members enrolled in Previndai.
    • In case of unemployment for a period of more than 48 months. This requirement must be confirmed by a certificate of enrollment to the Centro Provinciale per l’Impiego (working status) with all information on the date of enrollment to the unemployment lists and the persisting status;
    • Total disability reducing the capacity to work to less than a third of the total, certified by relevant public authorities. This type of allowance can be requested also in case the job contract is not terminated and the member can decide to keep contributing to the Fund. In this case, a second request for the same reason will not be accepted;
    • In case of job termination without any further membership to another occupational supplementary pension fund so called “riscatto statutario”. This type of request can be submitted only by managers and not by dependent family member.
    • In case a member complies with the requirements for retirement in Italy, but has been enrolled for less than 5 years.
    • In the case of a request for a total lump sum, please note that it is not possible to request the intervention of the Fondo di Garanzia INPS (D.Lgs.80/1992) to cover possible failures to pay contribution by the employer.

    Prepaid Temporary Insurance Annuity (Rendita Integrativa Temporanea Anticipata - RITA)

    The Prepaid Temporary Insurance Annuity (hereinafter RITA)is a pension benefit that consist in the payment of the capital accrued in installments, in a period that goes from the acceptance of the request and the verification of its requisites, until the age limit provided by the law to apply for state pension benefits.

    A member can ask for all the capital or part of it:

    • on the total capital value accrued – RITA TOTALE
    • or on a part of the same – RITA PARZIALE.

    These are the requisites to apply for a RITA (totale or parziale):

    • shall terminate their job contract
    • have at least 5 years of membership to supplementary pension funds
    • Should meet the old age pension retirement age requirement within five years following to the request
    • Have at least 20 years of contribution to national welfare
    • shall be unemployed due to job contract termination for more than 24 months;
    • Should meet the old age pension retirement age requirement within ten years following the request.

    Retirement pension

    Upon request from the member, the Fund will issue pension benefits in the form of an annuity or in a lump sum or a mix, if they meet the following requirements:

    1. Job termination;
    2. Fulfillment of the requirements to receive state retirement pension;
    3. At least 5 years of participation to supplementary pension schemes.

    If you only meet requirements at points 1 and 2, you can request a lump sum for the total capital value for retirement. Please visit this link for more information.

    Therefore, the benefit can be issued:

    • As an annuity for the total amount accrued;
    • Part in an annuity and part as a lump sum.

    For the so called “nuovi iscritti” (membership after 28/4/1993) the lump sum cannot be more than 50% of the capital accrued, except when the amount issued in the form of an annuity, calculated on 70% of the capital, is less than 50% of the Italian social allowance, as regulated at art.3, par 6 and 7 of Law 8 August 1995, no.335.

    So called “vecchi iscritti” (membership within 28/4/1993) can request a 100% capital lump sum.


    The annuity issued by Previndai is an amount quarterly paid to the applicant for all their lives, according to the capital accrued, and in some cases to another entitled person.

    The Fund offers various possibilities to those applying for an annuity. Please note that additional guarantees can be added to the life annuity, however, reducing its value, due to the cost of the applied guarantee (e.g. fixed amount annuity).

    Annuity type Description
    A LIFE ANNUITY Annuity paid to the applicant until their death.
    B LIFE ANNUITY WITH A GURANTEE PERIOD OF 5, 10 OR 15 YEARS The annuity is paid also in case of death of the annuitant during the guarantee period chosen (5, 10 or 15 years) to beneficiaries nominated by the member. If the applicant survives the guarantee period, the annuity is paid until their death.
    C MONEY-BACK LIFE ANNUITY (IF AVAILABLE, THE REMAINING CAPITAL IS PAID BACK) This annuity is paid until the death of the applicant. At that moment, the difference, (if positive) is paid to the beneficiaries nominated. The remaining capital is calculated as the amount accrued up until the request for the annuity by the member, revalued at the latest date applicable, decreased by the amount of the latest payment multiplied by the effective number of payments made before the death of the member.
    D LONG TERM CARE ANNUITY (LIFELONG AND WITH AN EXTRA AMOUNT IN CASE OF LACK OF SELF SUFFICIENCY) Annuity paid until the death of the member. In case the annuitant should require full assistance for activities of daily living, an additional annuity of the same value will be added, and still paid until the death of the annuitant.

    Annuities at letters C and D are paid with the amounts accrued in the new Insurance portfolio called Assicurativo 2014, where all payments to the insurance management are allocated since 1st January 2014.

    Annuities at letters A, B and D can be combined with the possibility to nominate a beneficiary, option  E:

    Annuity type Description
    A/E LIFE ANNUITY WITH NOMMINATED BENEFICIARIES Annuity paid until the death of the annuitant, then paid to the nominated beneficiary (if alive) for the same amount or in the percentage chosen by the member.


    With this type of annuity, in case the annuitant dies during the guarantee period (5/10/15 years), the payment are made to the beneficiary nominated. If at the end of the guarantee period the annuitant:

    • is alive, the annuity is paid as a life annuity and after their death paid to the nominated beneficiary;
    • is deceased the annuity continues to be paid to the nominated beneficiary, if alive.
    D/E LTC ANNUITY WITH NOMINATED BENEFICIARIES It is possible to add to the LTC annuity the nomination of a beneficiary in case of death of the annuitant, for the same amount or part of it, according to the member choices.



    Regulation The allowance is to be paid to the beneficiaries, if nominated, or to the estate.

    For additional information on the nomination of beneficiaries please click here.