Contribution Classification

    You can choose to enroll paying to the Fund the following types of contribution:

    • the minimum contribution and the TFR amount provided for by the job contract;
    • the minimum contribution, the TFR amount provided for by the job contract and additional contribution;
    • the part of TFR provided for by the national working contract for enrollment by self determined choice of the manager (in this case the payment of member and company contributions is not due);
    • the whole amount of the TFR in the event of an auto enrollment as established by the Itlian law (in this case the payment of member and company contributions is not due).

    Even after your application, you can decide to additionally pay:

    • the entire TFR if you pay only a part of it;
    • the minimum contractual contribution if you decided to pay only the TFR (part or all), benefiting in that way of the contribution paid by the employer as well.

    You can choose to enroll to Previndai paying:

    • The minimum contribution as established by the job contract and all the TFR;
    • The minimum contribution as established by the job contract, all the TFR, and additional contribution;
    • The entire TFR upon self-determined enrollment (no contribution needed from you or your employer);
    • The entire TFR in case of auto enrollment provided for by the Italian law (no contribution needed from you or your employer).

    If you choose to become a member paying only the TFR, at any moment you can decide do add the minimum contribution as established by the job contract, benefiting in that way of the contribution paid by the employer as well.

    Composition and percentages

    Contribution to Previndai, due according to the job contract, is composed as follows:

    TFR payment
    that is to say the payment to the fund of a percentage, defined by the job contract or the whole TRF accrual.

    Minimum contribution paid by the company
    it amounts to 4% of the taxable salary, within the maximum annual limit of 180.000 Euros, always respecting the minimum contribution level of 4.800 Euros per year, due for managers who have seniority as managers of at least 6 completed years. It is still possible for the company to apply, for the period 2019/2021 the minimum annual contribution of 4.800 Euros charged to them, even though the managers may not have completed the 6 years of seniority requested. Starting from 1st January 2022 companies will be requested to pay the minimum contribution for all managers, regardless of their seniority as managers.

    Minimum contribution charged to the manager 
    It is of 4% of the taxable salary, within the maximum annual limit of 180.000 Euros, without any minimum limit applied

    • Contribution flexibility
    Starting from 1st January 2020, flexible contribution has been introduced: It is now possible for the company, upon previous agreement with the manager, to pay a part of the contribution charged to them up to a maximum of 3%, with a 1% as a minimum charged to the manager. The contribution part of the manager paid by the company is to be added to the one pertaining to the company itself, and it cannot be less than 4.800 Euros per year in the cases provided for by the contract.
    The BoA of the Fund established that flexible rates shall vary with steps of at least 1 percentage point and shall be valid for at least one quarterly payment.


    Rate 4% Rate 4%  Additional amount to reach minimum of 4.800 €   Total amount charged to company 
    80.000,00 3.200,00 3.200,00 1.600,00 4.800,00 8.000,00
    100.000,00 4.000,00 4.000,00 800,00 4.800,00 8.800,00
    180.000,00 7.200,00 7.200,00 7.200,00 14.400,00
    250.000,00 7.200,00 7.200,00 7.200,00 14.400,00
    Rate 2% Rete 4% Additional amount to reach minimum of 4.800€ Additional flexible contribution rate charged to company 2% Total amount charged to company 
    80.000,00 1.600,00 3.200,00 1.600,00 1.600,00 6.400,00 8.000,00
    100.000,00 2.000,00 4.000,00 800,00 2.000,00 6.800,00 8.800,00
    180.000,00 3.600,00 7.200,00 3.600,00 10.800,00 14.400,00
    250.000,00 3.600,00 7.200,00 3.600,00 10.800,00 14.400,00

    Additional contribution

    Further contribution that exceed the minimum level provided for by the contract, which can be paid independently from the manager and from the company.

    Since January 2007 new members can apply also with the payment of the TFR only (both in the explicit and in the implicit forms); any time after that, the manager can choose to also pay the minimum contractual contribution, benefiting in that way of the contribution paid by the employer as well.

    Rates and maximum contribution limit applicable since 1/1/2020

    Member classification  Maximum contribution  Rates
    1 2 3 4  up to  €180.000,00 4% cherged to the company*
    4% charged to the manager*

    *Without prejudice to the total rate of 8% (4% cherged to the company and 4% cherged to the manager), It is now possible to have a new flexibility that allows the company, upon agreement with the manager, to pay a higher percentage of the contribution currently due of 4%, and up to 7%, with only a 1% remaining always charged to the manager. The BoA of the Fund established that flexible rates vary with steps of at least 1 percentage point and shall be valid for at least one quarterly payment..

    New members can apply also with the payment of the TFR only; in this case, minimum contribution is not due. 


    Applicable period Company minimum contribution
    01/01/2013   € 4.800,00
    01/01/2012   € 4.500,00
    01/01/2010  € 4.000,00

    Following to the National Collective Bargaining Agreement of 30 july 2019, during the 2019 to 2021 time span it is possible for the company to pay the minimum annual contribution charged on their part of 4.800 € also for those managers who do not have a contract seniority of 6 years.

    Starting from 1st January 2022 all campanies will have to pay the minimum contribution independently of the manager job contract seniority.


    Rates and maximum contribution limits from 1/1/2010


    Member classification  Contribution maximum limit  Rates
    1 2 3 4  Up to €150.000,00 4% cherged to the company 
    4% cherged to the manager 


    Since 1st January 2007 new members can apply also paying just the TFR; in this case minimum contribution is not due.

    Rates and maximum contribution limits from 1/1/2007

    Member  Contribution  Rates
    classification maximum limit 
    1  Up to €150.000,00 4% charged to the company
    4% charged to the manager
    2 3 4  Up to €100.000,00 4% charged to the company
    4% charged to the manager


    N.B.: Since 1 January 2007 new members can also apply with just the TFR payment; in this case the minimum contribution is not due .

    Rates and maximum contribution limits from 1/1/2006


    Maximum contribution



     Up to 100.709,10 Euros 3,5% charged to the company
    3,5% charged to the manager
    From 100.709,10 to 145.000,00 Euros 4% charged to the company
    4% charged to the manager

    2 -3

     Up to 93.500,00 Euros 3,5% charged to the company
    3,5% charged to the manager


    Rates and maximum contribution limits from 1/1/2003


    Maximum contribution 



     Uo to 100.709,10 Euros 3% charged to the company
    3% charged to the manager
     from 100.709,10 to 139.443,36 Euros 4% charged to the company
    4% charged to the manager

    2 – 3

     from 85.215,39 Euros 3% charged to the company
    3% charged to the manager


    Rates and maximum contribution limits from 1/1/2001





     Up to 100.709,10 Euros 3% charged to the company
    3% charged to the manager
     From 100.709,10 to 139.443,36 Euros 4% charged to the company
    4% charged to the manager

    2 – 3

     Up to 77.468,53 Euros 2,5% charged to the company
    2,5% charged to the manager

    Rates and maximum contribution limits from 1/1/1998


    Maximum contribution



     Up to 100.709,10 Euros 2,5% charged to the company
    2,5% charged to the manager
     From 100.709,10 to 139.443,36 Euros 4% charged to the company
    4% charged to the manager

    2 – 3

     Up to 64.557,11 Euros 2% charged to the company
    2% charged to the manager

    Rates and maximum contribution limits from 31/12/1997


    Maximum contribution



     Up to  80.050,82 Euros 1,5% charged to the company
    1,5% charged to the manager
     From 80.050,82 to 123.949,66 Euros 3% charged to the company
    3% charged to the manager


     Up to 80.050,82 Euros 1% charged to the company
    1% charged to the manager
     From 80.050,82 to 123.949,66 Euros 1,1% charged to the company
    1,1% charged to the manager


     Up to 80.050,82 Euros 1% charged to the company
    1% charged to the manager

    Rates from 01/01/2007

     Manager Classification  Rates provided for
    by the job contract
    Current TFR remaining
    1 Percentage of the annual payment of the TFR of 3% of gross income effectively received used to calculate the TFR amount. At any moment they can decide to pay the whole amount of TFR into the Fund.
    2 Percentage of the annual payment of the TFR of 4% of gross income effectively received used to calculate the TFR amount. At any moment they can decide to pay the whole amount of TFR into the Fund.
    3 4 8 Payment of the whole amount of the annual TFR

    Up to 31/12/2006

    TFR from 1.1.1996 up to 31.12.2006

    Manager Classification Up to 31/12/2001 From 1/1/2002 to 31/12/2002 From 1/1/2003
    to 31/12/2004
    From 1/1/2005
    to 31/12/2006
     1 Not provided Percentage of the annual payment of the TFR of 1% of gross income effectively received used to calculate the TFR amount. Percentage of the annual payment of the TFR of 2% of gross income effectively received used to calculate the TFR amount. Percentage of the annual payment of the TFR of 3% of gross income effectively received used to calculate the TFR amount.
    2 Percentage of the annual payment of TFR equal to the amount of contribution paid by the company. Percentage of the annual payment of the TFR of 4% of gross income effectively received used to calculate the TFR amount.
    3 Payment into the Fund of the annual total amount of TFR.


    It is possible for companies to pay additional contribution in favor of their managers withou any maximum limit. Companies may make use of this possibility for those manager who pay the minimum contribution to the Fund, even though they do not pay any additional contribution.

    The payment, made with same procedure as the one for regular contribution, may be recurring or a one off initiative, and affect all managers or a part of them.


    It is possible for the manager to pay to the Fund additional contribution to that already paid on contractual basis.

    Additional contribution has no maximum limit.
    The payment, made with same procedure as the one for regular contribution, may be recurring or a one off initiative, and the amount may be determined as a percentage of the income used to calculate the TFR or in a fixed amount.

    This choice can be made at the moment of enrollment into the Fund with the same enrollment form.

    At any moment later it is still possible to choose to pay additional contribution or to revoke the previous choice; the payment will be effective at the beginning of each quarter and shall be valid for at list an entire quarterly period.

    Both in the company and manager private web areas it is avalable an option to communicate to the Fund the intention of the manager to pay additoinal contribution. In order to make the choice effective it is necessary that the form “Scelta di contribuzione aggiuntiva”, resulted from the online procedure is transmitted to the Fund complete with all data required. After that, once the form is  acquired by the Fund, the Form 050 of the company will be updated with the current choice of the manager and the company.

    Contribution amounts

    Contribution paid through the employer
    Contribution to Previndai is composed of the TFR (part of it or the entire amount), and the minimum amounts provided for by the contract charged to the manager and to the company. If you decided to apply with the only payment of the future TFR, at any time you can decide to pay the minimum contractual contribution, benefiting in that way of the contribution paid by the employer as well. Without prejudice to the minimum contribution provided for by the national collective agreement, you can always choose to pay additional amounts giving due notice to the employer; companies can also freely establish to pay an additional contribution for you. An additional contribution is not subject to any maximum limit.

    Contribution paid independently by the manager
    According to your personal situation, you can pay a contribution to the Fund on a voluntary basis:

    • If you are working under a National Contract that provides for contribution to be paid to Previndai you can apply for voluntary contribution;
    • If the national working contract is no longer applicable to you can access the voluntary prosecution of the contribution.

    INPS Fondo di Garanzia - guarantee fund for supplementary pensions

    It is a specific fund established at INPS (according to art. 5 of legislative decree no. 80 of 1992 and INPS rules no. 23 of 22 February 2008), against the risk in case of non-payment or insufficient payment of contribution to the supplementary pension fund on behalf of an insolvent employer.

    The manager only, submitting the application to the local INPS office.

    The time limit to request the intervention of this default fund is 10 years from the date of termination of the job contract with the insolvent employer. Requirements for the application:

    • non payment of contribution to Previndai by an insolvent employer;
    • The manager shall be a member of Previndai or another form of supplementary pension in Italy at the moment of the request;
    • In case of a company under insolvency procedures (bankruptcy, Compulsory winding up, extraordinary administration procedure, agreement among creditors) any credit belonging to Previndai shall be classified among the debtor’s liabilities;
    • in case of a company that cannot undergo an insolvency procedure, the credit shall be judicially verified.

    Forms are issued by INPS and are available on their website.Previndai, once the manager applies for the Fondo di Garanzia, if applicable, provides the form “SR98 – PPC/FOND” issued by the Fund.

    If the application is approved by INPS, the same sends two certificates (atto di quietanza), one to the manager and the other one to Previndai, with a detailed yearly list of the contribution that will be paid and the relevant revaluation.These certificates shall be signed respectively by the manager and the Fund and send back to INPS. Following to the receipt of both signed certifications, the Fondo di Garanzia pays the amounts due directly to Previndai.

    The amount paid to Previndai by the Fondo di Garanzia is invested according to the latest portfolio choice of the manager and merge with the other funds held by the manager and will later determine the amount of the benefits received by the same.