In these pages, you can find all information regarding the enrollment, the rights and powers of members who are dependent relatives.

    Short document on the regulating laws (available only in Italian)

    Complete document on the regulating laws (available only in Italian)

    Enrolling in Previndai a dependent family member can pave their road to a brighter and safer future for their welfare, allowing them to take advantage of a number of possibilities.


    First, enrolling in Previndai means to start building a future pension – additional to that provided for by the government – with a reliable counterpart in the pension scheme panorama.

    Previndai, assuredly, has been committed to the management and safeguarding of the pension savings of a specific category of workers – the managers of industrial companies – and has a leading position in the domestic scenario both for the quality of the services offered to its members and for the considerable amounts of pension savings under management.

    Previndai allows its members to build their future pension benefits according to resources available, their own investment horizon and their attitude towards risk.

    Indeed, it is possible to decide of one’s own accord how much and when to pay contribution, and members can invest in in a single portfolio or allcate the accrued and current capital on more than one investment line at the same time.

    The longer the membership the higher the tax benefit: that is why it is crucial to enter early the world of the supplementary pension schemes.

    The pension allowance is subject to a maximum withholding tax of 15%, and for each year of membership following to the 15th to any supplementary pension fund, it is reduced of 0,30%. That can reduce the tax rate up to 9%, the minimum provided for by the law.

    Note that this is applicable with a fiscal esidence in Itlay.


    Upon enrollment the dependent family member, shall choose a single or both financial portfolios for the investment of their resources, with a minimum of 10% on each one.

    Currently available portfolios are:

    This choice can always be modified through the relevant web function in the personal area.

    For more information on the registration procedures for a dependent family member, please contact the “Contributi office” of our Fund.