Most of the resources are managed by professional managers and are deposited with the Depositary, BNP Paribas SA – Italian Branch, which is the custodian of the assets and controls that all operations are executed properly. Another part of the resources of the financial portfolios are directly managed by Previndai through alternative investment funds (AIF).

    In the financial portfolios returns on investments and preservation of capital are not guaranteed, the portfolios are actively managed in order to grab market opportunities.

    Member capital is managed according to same-value units: each payment made in favor of a member produces a number of units equal to the ratio between the payment and the unit value at the moment of the allocation.

    Assset management is currently multi asset, in addition to that there are direct investments through AIF in the following asset classes: private equity, direct lending and infrastructures, that amount to 10% of the long term asset allocation.

    Multi-asset managers receive allocations of equal amounts; they have the same strategic benchmark, from which they can deviate, but maintaining a tracking error volatility between 1% and 3%.



    The BILANCIATO portfolio has been structured considering a medium/long time horizon for active contribution of at least 10 years.


    The BILANCIATO portfolio has a medium level of risk. The aim is to obtain, in a period of time of at least 10 years, a highly probable positive return in real terms, against a medium risk level. Such goal is achieved through the adoption of a market benchmark representing a great and diversified number of asset classes.

    Risk level for the Bilanciato portfolio is around 8% in terms of volatility (standard deviation of returns). Expected return is around 3.9% in real terms. The probability to obtain a positive real performance after a 10-year period is around 66%.


    Resources in the Bilanciato portfolio are mainly invested in financial instruments traded on regulated markets and according to a strategic allocation of assets.

    Benchmark and asset classes are as follows:

    BofA ML Global Large Cap Corp. ex Euro EUR Hedged TR Global Corporate Bonds 14,2% Bonds


    BofAML Euro Corporate TR EMU Corporate Bonds 12,1%
    BofA ML Global GovtBond II ex EMU EUR Hedged TR Ex UME Gov. Glob. Bonds 11,3%
    ICE BofAML Euro Governement UME Gov. Bonds 3,5%
    BofAML Global HY EUR Hedged Constrained TR High Yield Global Bonds 6,1%
    JPM EMBI GlblDversfd EUR Hedged TR Emerging markets Bonds 4,0%
    ICE Bofa US Inflation Linked Treasury Index US Gov. Bonds Inflation Linked 2,0%
    BofAML 1-10 yr Euro Inflation Linked Govt TR UME Gov. Bonds Inflation Linked 2,0%
    MSCI World ex EMU – EUR Hedged Net TR Ex UME Glob. Equities 14,7% Equities


    MSCI World ex EMU – Net TR (unhedged) Ex UME Glob. Equities 6,4%
    MSCI EMU Net TR UME Equities 8,6%
    MSCI Emerging Markets Net TR EUR Emerging markets Equities 6,1%
    FTSE Developed Europe Core Infrastructure Euro/Glob. Infrastructure Equities 3,0% AIF


    FTSE Developed Europe Core Infrastructure Italy Infrastructure Equities 2,0%
    FTSE Italia All Share Italy Private equity 2,0%
    S&P European Leveraged Loan Index Direct lending Euro/Glob. 2%


    Mandates currently in operation are:

    Manager Mandate
     AXA Investment Managers Paris  Global Multi-Asset
     EURIZON Capital SGR  Global Multi-Asset
    PIMCO Europe GmbH  Global Multi-Asset


    Alternative Investment Funds are:



    Progressio PROGRESSIO Investimenti IV
    BI-Invest Endowment Management ITA Investment Holdings FUND SCSp
    Progressio PROGRESSIO investimenti III
    Barings BARINGS European Private Loan FUND II
    Ancala ANCALA Infrastructure FUND II SCSP
    Star Capital STAR IV Private Equity FUND
    Equitix EQUITIX European Infrastructure I SCSp
    Azimut Fondo Infrastrutture per la Crescita – ESG
    Hyle Capital Finance For Food One
    Eurizon Capital Eurizon ITER
    Nextalia Nextalia Private Equity
    Clessidra Capital Clessidra Capital Partners 4
    F2i – Fondi Italiani per le infrastrutture Fondo V – Fondo per le infrastrutture sostenibili
    Permira Credit Limited Permira Credit Solutions V Fund
    Muzinich & Co., Inc. Muzinich DIversified Enterprises Credit II
    Tikehau Investment Management Tikehau DIrect lending VI
    Algebris Investments (Ireland) Limited Algebris Green transiton Fund
    Quadrivio Group Silver Economy Fund


    Finanziario Bilanciato

    Current results are not an indication for future performances.

    You can interact with the chart below using your mouse or the controls under it.

    Finanziario Bilanciato - Andamento quota

    Current results are not an indication for future performances.

    You can interact with the chart below using your mouse or the controls under it.



    SVILUPPO portfolio has been structured considering a medium/long time horizon for active contribution of at least 15 years.


    The SVILUPPO portfolio has a medium-high level of risk. The aim is to obtain, in a period of time of at least 15 years, a highly probable positive return in real terms, against a moderate risk level. Such goal is achieved through the adoption of a market benchmark representing a great and diversified number of asset classes. Risk level for the Sviluppo portfolio is around 11% in terms of volatility (standard deviation of returns). Expected return is around 4.8% in real terms. The probability to obtain a positive real performance after a 15-year period is around 70%.


    Resources in the Sviluppo portfolio are mainly invested in financial instruments traded on regulated markets and according to a strategic allocation of assets.

    Benchmark and asset classes are as follows:

    BofA ML Global Large Cap Corp. ex Euro EUR Hedged TR Global Corporate Bonds 6,1% Bonds 32,5%
    BofAML Euro Corporate TR EMU Corporate Bonds 5,2%
    BofA ML Global GovtBond II ex EMU EUR Hedged TR Ex EMU Gov. Glob. Bonds 6,6%
    ICE BofAML Euro Governement EMU Gov. Bonds 2,0%
    BofAML Global HY EUR Hedged Constrained TR High Yield Glob. Bonds 6,6%
    JPM EMBI GlblDversfd EUR Hedged TR Emerging markets Bonds 3,0%
    ICE Bofa US Inflation Linked Treasury Index Obbligaz. US Gov. Inflation Linked 2,0%
    BofAML 1-10 yr Euro Inflation Linked Govt TR UME Gov. Bonds Inflation Linked 1,0%
    MSCI World ex EMU – EUR Hedged Net TR Ex EMU Glob. Equities (Euro Hedged) 25,8% Equities 59,5%
    MSCI World ex EMU – EUR Hedged Net TR Ex EMU Glob. Equities (unhedged) 11,0%
    MSCI EMU Net TR EMU Equities 13,9%
    MSCI Emerging Markets Net TR EUR Emerging Markets Equities 8,8%
    FTSE Developed Europe Core Infrastructure Infrastructure Euro/Glob. Equities 2% AIF 8%
    FTSE Developed Europe Core Infrastructure Italy Infrastructure Equities 2%
    FTSE Italia All Share Italian Private equity 2%
    S&P European Leveraged Loan Index Direct lending Euro/Glob. 2%


    Mandates currently in operation are:



     AXA Investment Managers Paris Global Multi-Asset
     EURIZON Capital SGR SPA Global Multi-Asset
     PIMCO Europe GmbH Global Multi-Asset


    Alternative Investment Funds are:

    Progressio PROGRESSIO Investimenti IV
    BI-Invest Endowment Management ITA Investment Holdings FUND SCSp
    Progressio PROGRESSIO investimenti III
    Barings BARINGS European Private Loan FUND II
    Ancala ANCALA Infrastructure FUND II SCSP
    Star Capital STAR IV Private Equity FUND
    Equitix EQUITIX European Infrastructure I SCSp
    Azimut Fondo Infrastrutture per la Crescita – ESG
    Hyle Capital Finance For Food One
    Eurizon Capital Eurizon ITER
    Nextalia Nextalia Private Equity
    Clessidra Capital Clessidra Capital Partners 4
    F2i – Fondi Italiani per le infrastrutture Fondo V – Fondo per le infrastrutture sostenibili
    Permira Credit Limited Permira Credit Solutions V Fund
    Muzinich & Co., Inc. Muzinich DIversified Enterprises Credit II
    Tikehau Investment Management Tikehau DIrect lending VI
    Algebris Investments (Ireland) Limited Algebris Green transiton Fund
    Quadrivio Group Silver Economy Fund


    Finanziario Sviluppo

    Current results are not an indication for future performances.

    You can interact with the chart below using your mouse or the controls under it.

    Finanziario Sviluppo - Andamento quota

    Current results are not an indication for future performances.

    You can interact with the chart below using your mouse or the controls under it.


    Costs for the financial portfolios are:

    • Management cost, that includes managers fees and global cost for the services of possible advisors.
    • Depositary services costs (currently BNP Paribas SA – Italian Branch).
    • Costs for other services for the financial management.
    Management costs on mean net value of assets
    Year Bilanciato Sviluppo
    2022 0,15% 0,17%
    2021 0,16% 0,16%
    2020 0,09% 0,08%
    2019 0,18% 0,17%
    2018 0,17% 0,16%
    2017 0,26% 0,27%
    2016 0,32% 0,36%
    2015 0,31% 0,36%
    2014 0,35% 0,42%
    2013 0,31% 0,35%
    2012 0,29% 0,29%
    2011 0,30% 0,21%
    2010 0,25% 0,23%
    2009 0,22% 0,27%
    2008 0,27% 0,35%




    2006 0,23% 0,29%




    Custodian bank cost on mean net value of assets
    Anno Bilanciato Sviluppo
    2022 0,019% 0,022%
    2021 0,020% 0,021%
    2020 0,021% 0,026%
    2019 0,032% 0,035%
    2018 0,034% 0,037%
    2017 0,034% 0,040%
    2016 0,031% 0,033%
    2015 0,053% 0,065%
    2014 0,057% 0,069%
    2013 0,057% 0,068%
    2012 0,049% 0,056%
    2011 0,043% 0,050%
    2010 0,053% 0,060%
    2009 0,057% 0,061%
    2008 0,060% 0,070%










    Costs for other services of the financial management
    Year Bilanciato Sviluppo
    2022 0,0178% 0,0203%
    2021 0,0278% 0,0358%
    2020 0,0376% 0,0501%
    2019 0,0336% 0,0427%
    2018 0,0312% 0,0361%
    2017 0,0259% 0,0312%
    2016 0,0198% 0,0259%